Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthday Parties Galore!

It seems as though everyone is ordering birthday hats! Are there more birthdays in the spring and summer months? Or is everyone celebrating the fact it is summer and summer means outdoor parties and fun times? I decided to do a little research on birthdays since the surge of birthday hats has me wondering. Here is what I found out. First I did a search on my favorite search engine google. The first entry came up from Wiki. More people are born in August and the second month is October. I went to another search engine--Yahoo. From ABC news in 1995 the most popular birth months were August and September--Christmas and New Years would have something to do with this.
My opinion July is sure a popular month also! Right now Sugar Locks averages between 10-15 birthday hats a week! In May I only did 30 hats total. There has been a lot of calls and emails requesting special hats that match the party theme--keep it coming! Coming up with new ideas and changing color combinations are a lot of fun! Keep checking out the new birthday hats section and always ask if I can match your theme first--I haven't turned anyone away yet!

I am in the middle of planning a Birthday Soiree (fancy word for party) for my two girls Gwendelyn (4) and Olivia (2). I will be letting you all in on all the fun as the preparations come to life to create a very memorable Fancy Nancy and Minnie Mouse Clubhouse combined birthday parties! You may wonder why am I posting my party on here--there is a reason--Fancy Nancy is one of the most searched for names for kids parties! Plus I love to plan and decorate creative parties for my children!

One of the first things I did was find a photo card from Shutterfly. You may wonder why I didn't use an invitation from my collection that is not yet all online. I didn't use my own advice and thought about the turn around deadlines. Instead I took an adorable picture of the two girls and made a picture invitation card.
These adorable birthday number t shirts can be found here.

The challenge is to create a birthday party using two different themes. I want my girls to have the fun of choosing what should be on their OWN cake to reflect what they like at the moment. Miss. Gwendelyn is all about Fancy Nancy which is an easy way to decorate. Miss. Olivia LOVES Minnie Mouse from Mickey's Clubhouse another pretty easy one. I decided my colors would be hot pink, green, purple and orange. A trip to Hobby Lobby was on the agenda this week so I went through the birthday aisle and I found the perfect plates, napkins, cutlery and ribbon!!

These plates got the ball rolling. That night I went searching on Oriental Trading for decorations. The first thing I knew what I wanted to look for was big flowers to hang and lucky for me these were on sale and BIG I ended up with 24 of these flowers.

Stay tuned as more party decorations start coming in! Wait until you see the Fancy Nancy Applique outfit and the new Minnie Mouse clubhouse designs and outfits!!

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