Saturday, February 28, 2009

Make sure you have your drink covered!

Koozies are one of the most popular non child product that Sugar Locks has. I stitch out more than 250 over the summer months. Koozies are fun! Everyone that sees one wants one and it is such a fun gift to give! What is great about koozies it ranges in ages from sippy cups to people well over 21! Anyone who drinks from a can, water bottle or long neck bottle needs a koozie. It marks your drink as yours it keeps your drink cold and it keeps your hands from getting wet! Great for inside activities as well! Put away your coasters you hate so much and lose all you need is a koozie and no more rings on your table! Koozies have been great party favors for birthday parties and wedding parties. A few brides ordered these for their bridesmaids to use at the reception! Make sure you get your koozies today! I keep almost every color and style in stock!

If you are really in need of an original koozie make sure you get a floozy koozie! Order yours in the month of March and you will get $2.00 off per koozie so start stocking up! Graduation parties are just around the corner!

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1 comment:

  1. Those koozies look cool and the fact that they are personalized is great!

    Jim @
